Classes every Wednesday

March session begins
March 5th


March Class Descriptions

L4: Aesthetic Repertoire w/ Ally Yancey & Friends
Learn to express the identifiable spirit and style of different dances with an in-depth exploration into the contrasting vocabulary & mechanics of Blues, WCS, and Tango.

L3: Leg Displacements w/ Sia & Ren
Unlock the dynamic skill of leg displacements: swinging and flicking free legs with ease with Tango & Balboa-based vocabulary

L2: Rotational Momentum w Ren & Selina
Tango-derived ochos, grapevines, and rotational momentum conventions

L1: Fundamentals w/ Sia & Kira
Foundational moves, core techniques (like frame, connection, musicality), and tools to become a more confident and considerate dance partner

Solo: 3D Spirals w/ Ally Yancey
Develop more power, ease, integration, and fluidity in your dancing by waking up your body’s most fundamental coordination patterns. Calls from Contemporary dance, floorwork, and Alexander Technique. Come in comfortable clothes that allow for a wide range of movement.

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