Learn to dance — Differently
Fusion Dance Academy was started by world renowned fusion instructor Mark Carpenter in 2023, its mission to redefine the way fusion is taught and thought about both in the SF Bay Area and beyond.
The culmination of decades of dancing, dozens of workshops taught, and many late-night conversations, the Academy is a work of love for the fusion community.
This project is a team effort with teachers, students, and staff working together for a more connected fusion.
Our one-of-a-kind curriculum and format makes us unique in the fusion world— though hopefully not for long. Our classes are leveled and progressive, which provide such a perfect opportunity for learning and growth.
Progressive content allows classes to build off of each other — throughout the month and from one level to the next. We have iterated many times to find the right progression of classes, and are always refining our curriculum.
Leveled classes mean there is a place for everyone — whether you’ve been dancing fusion (or another dance) for years, or you’ve never had the courage to start. This also assures you that the people in your class will be at about the same level as you, even as you progress to higher leveled content.
Academy Instructors
Mark Carpenter
Fusion / Lindy / Blues / Tango
Eleanor Chen
Fusion / Blues / Flatfooting / Ballet
Sia Brodeur
Balboa / Lindy Hop / Contemporary / Pilates